Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bloggin Time

I have received several emails saying "how do you have time to blog?" Well the answer is quite simple, I just neglect my child of course! Just kidding, I usually write my post during Sean's nap, but there have been several times that it has taken me a bit longer, or I have worked on them while he is still awake. Here are some pictures from those times showing what my little monkey is up to behind my back.

The first, favorite, and most beloved attention getter is Sean's John Deere for Kids DVD's. Nothing, I mean nothing competes for Sean's affection when his tractors are on! If you hold up the DVD case and ask him " Sean would you like to watch John Deere or ride a train", answer "Oooo let's watch John Deere!" "Sean, would you like to watch John Deere or have a big bowl of ice cream with a ton of candy on top?" "How about John Deere Mom!" "Sean, would you like to watch John Deere or ... well you get the picture, plus by this time he is falling to the floor in agony over my teasing so I put on John Deere.

One day when I was blogging, Sean decided to try on and scatter all of our shoes. After that he took out the pots and pans to "cook" for me.

Since this distraction was working quite well for me I added some "food" for him to cook with. Hey, don't judge me, I was encouraging "creative imaginary" play, right!

After eating the cheerios he "cooked" himself.

He is not always to content with independent play time. You are thankful there is no sound to this picture.

Apparently all the toys and books we have provided are not engaging enough, the shoes seem to have a much bigger pull.

I am just proud that he chose the brown ones, the black shoes would have been a disaster with that outfit.

There is also the very fun game, pick up the stuffed animals and put them in the bucket......

Then dump them on yourself.


Now here is another proud moment for me as a mother, one day I turned around to see this!
No, I'm not sure if they were clean or not, but I am glad I had my camera sitting close by.


Laners said...

I can't help but laugh. Sean is just too cute. CJ loves playing with my shoes as well, i don't know what it is about women's shoes..but it keeps him busy.
I'm SO GLAD to be HOME!!!

terra said...

I have to comment on the underwear on the head. What is it with kids and their parents underwear? Allison does the same thing. She usually pulls out the dirty ones from the hamper, yuk.