Saturday, September 1, 2007

Science Saturday

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a good Sunday. Sorry there was no post yesterday, I was really tired from the heat, so I took a nap during my "post time", ie. Sean's nap time. The temperature has remained in the 100's everyday, yesterday it was 105 degrees, and today it was 103 at noon. According to the news we are starting to have power outages from the high demand put on the power grid. Don't worry, I have my ticket home already :). Our apartment is air conditioned (thank you Lord!) so we have been hanging out at home a lot.

Sean and I will be flying home Tuesday the 4th, and staying until the following Tuesday. We are flying home for my 20 week OB appointment and ultrasound. We are excited to find out how baby B #2 is doing and if he or she, is a he or she. I volunteered at the Pregnancy Resource Center before I flew down here, to help them train some nurses on the ultrasound machines. They were doing a "limited OB ultrasound" but we think we saw a pee pee, so B#2 is most likely a boy. They told me I would have to wait for my 20 week ultrasound to be sure. I will find out on Thursday the 6th so stay tuned!

It is time for audience participation: I will be home for a week, would you like me to keep posting while I am back home? Let me know, your wish is my command! E-mail me or post a comment. Also there will be no post Tuesday the 4th due to our traveling.

I wanted to let you know I miss you all very much. Today is the first Sunday of the month so many churches have communion today. The church we have been attending down here, Cornerstone, had communion today also. As we were taking communion I looked at the communion elemens I thought about my friends and family 1,200 miles away taking part in same tradition.

On to some pictures from our Saturday. Jason and I took Sean to the California Science Center in downtown L.A. The Science Center in L.A. is FREE, so we had to get our penny pinching selves downtown to try it out.

This is a giant lever giving kids a little hands on lesson in Mr. Newton's Law of Motion. Jason is exerting his "effort" at the far end fulcrum, Sean looks on with amazement, "wow, daddy is lifting a truck!"

Well it was 5,400 lbs!


I LOVE this picture! The organs were attached to the vest with Velcro, super cute. Sean was not as interested in this little vest as I was, he wanted to get back to looking at the Millipede. I was trying to talk to him about his organs, and how they worked inside him....he just said (impatiently) "ok, ok, bugs!"

Hey, don't forget the Kidneys, hee hee they put them in the back, I love anatomy.

This is a very strange giant robot person. It talked about the body while it moved it's arms and legs around. I think it scared the children.

Sean would push the button and the little rocket would shoot up in the air. He could have done this all day!



Honestly the Science Center was not too great, I guess you get what you pay for. I think that older kids would enjoy it more, Sean ws a little small for what they had there.

Later in the afternoon we went to a Birthday party for a little boy we met here at the apartments. I met the little boy and his mom last Wednesday at the apartment "play time", the boys mom told me that it was his first birthday and invited us to the party. They are from Australia. Since they have only been here a few months they do not have very many friends to have a birthday celebration for there little guy, so we went and helped them celebrate and we met some interesting people.

The dad of the birthday boy owns a surfing production company in Australia, they are in L.A. so he can pursue his real love, he is a stunt man! He has done stunts for Indiana Jones and the TV show the Office. They left two houses in Australia to come here. They are surfers and recommend we go to Malibu beach, we are planning on going this afternoon!

We also met another Disney Dad, and the creative director for

It was supposed to be a pool party, but it was too hot outside!

The party had a Curious George theme, here is our little monkey.

Wish us luck as we brave the heat down here, I will see some of you soon!



The Winks said...

What kind of stunts are on the Office? lol. I think you should make a post about your trip home, but otherwise consider it a vacation :) I can tell you really enjoy it - its a good outlet!

Laners said...

I say enjoy your visit home, see friends and family and relax as much as you can. Once you get back you can blogg about it. Can't wait to see you all.

Anonymous said...

'Would love to have a post or two to read on your blog while you are enjoying the cooler weather and the rain and finding out news about baby B #2! However, with all due consideration for your vacation, we'll take whatever you feel like posting and have time for, Sarah~ :-)
