Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We are HOME!

Well Sean and I are home, Jason is still down in So Cal sweating it out in the 100's, poor guy. We are home and we are breathing fresh air, and drinking tap water, and enjoying the beautiful Northwest September. Ahhh it is so good to be here.

Sean and I flew home yesterday, and this morning Sean woke up with a cold. He is already doing bad and needing his nebulizer treatments, but I am so glad we are here and not in CA. Sean's doctor and nurse know him well and they work with me over the phone to adjust his treatments and doses so we can get him breathing better. Poor kid, we came all this way and he can't even enjoy the fresh air.

Here are a few pictures from our ride home. Sean was very busy building houses, there was a lot of dirt to be moved around on this work site.


If you look closely you can see downtown L.A..

This is looking out at Santa Monica and the ocean. The big white building on the right is the Getty Museum.


I knew we were getting close to home when I saw these beauties!!! Shorty after I started seeing the clouds, the captain said we were over Portland :). I love you clouds, and the wonderful temperature reducing shade you provide.

Oh Mount Rainer peeking through the clouds, you are beautiful too.

That's all for now, we are just home, doing breathing treatments, pulling weeds and hopefully we will see some of you! My OB appointment is tomorrow so I will keep you all up to date on whats going on with Baby B. I have some pictures from our trip out to Malibu this last Monday, I will put together a post about that too.

Ahhh it's so good to be home!

1 comment:

Laners said...

So glad you guys are back!!! Hope Sean's gets better before you have to leave.