Tuesday, August 28, 2007

L.A. sunsets

Well after yesterdays big post, I have blisters on my fingers, and I am pretty sure I sprained a metacarpal, so today's post will be small.

I thought I would send you a few pictures of some sunsets from our balcony. If you knew me pre-Sean, you know that I love sunsets! I am so happy that our apartment is westward facing and I get to see the sunset every night! Sean has even started to say, "it's beauful sunset mom". (spelling error on purpose to reflect 2 year old pronunciation)





A smog-set.

Ever since we arrived I have been trying to get a good picture of this mail box, it is R2-D2. He sits in front of Taco Bell on a busy road and Jason is usually driving, so it has been hard to capture him. I was passing by it today on my way to Target, (we ran out of swim diapers) and it is gone!! R2-D2 has been kidnapped by the Evil Empire!! This was my best shot of him, maybe I should print up some reward posters? Poor R2, may the force be with you, wherever you are.

Ouch, I better go put some ice on this metacarpal.


Oh by the way, it was 92 degrees before 12:00 today.


Laners said...

beautiful pictures as always.

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! Makes me smile and laugh ("smogset", hehe). Thanks for writing!

terra said...

Hi Sara

It is good to hear what you are doing in Cali. I was jelouse of the weather but its been nice this week. I love seeing what you do every day. You are so good at blogging every day.

Unknown said...

i love keeping up with you. i laughed so hard at your "science experiment"...it's so something you would think up and do. : ) Washington is missing you. I'm so glad you are getting a chance to have this adventure though. besides the fact that i love laughing at your daily updates, i'm sure someday you will be looking back and seeing how it all enriched your life. love you friend!