Sunday, August 26, 2007

An explanation

This picture needs one.

Lets start at the beginning...

First Sean helped his mother sweep the porch. Even though the porch had been swept, it created dirty little toddler feet.

It was getting a little hot out on the porch, so off with the pants. Sean added a little water to the mix with his trusty squirt bottle, which created a bit of mud.


Jason's business associates flew into Burbank this afternoon and we had plans to meet them for dinner later in the evening. After this fun time on the porch, Sean was dirty and needed to be cleaned before bringing him to a nice restaurant. Since I was short on time I just put his legs in the sink and gave him a quick wash. He needed his boats, of course, so being the super fun mom that I am, I obliged him and provided the boats.

One thing led to another and before I knew it I had a toddler and three boats in a very small sink.

It was a challenge to extract him from the sink, he was really enjoying it.

This picture is to explain why this cute little guy has scratches on his forehead.

I hope you all had a great Sunday.



Laners said...

hehe. so cute

Anonymous said...

I hope you are printing these blogs out each day and putting them in a book to show future girlfriends!! What an awesome documentation of this season of Sean's life. I love it. Make's life at home with my 2 boys seem very boring. Thanks Sarah for continuing to make me smile.